Day 1 Day 30 Change
Chest 39" 41" 2" gain
Waist 41" 38" (3" loss)
Hips 37" 36 1/2" (1/2" loss)
Right Thigh 23" 22 1/2" (1/2" loss)
Left Thigh 23" 22 1/2" (1/2" loss)
Right Arm 13 1/2" 14" 1/2" gain
Left Arm 13 1/2" 14" 1/2" gain
and probably the most impressive part...
Weight 172.4 163.4 (9 lbs loss)
So, I'm very happy with the results thus far. I wish I would have lost a little more weight in the first 30, but again I'm not doing the diet to the exact T like it says, I'm mainly just watching portion control and drinking a lot more water. I've cut back pop to only 1 glass on the weekends. And I chose to have 1 Free Day per week to eat pretty much whatever. I don't go crazy, but I can say I've only had fast food once in these 30 days so I think that's a big contributing factor.
I would like to say that I'm just doing this for myself, but I hope after reading some of these posts on facebook or this blog, and seeing some pictures, that it'll inspire you to make a change in your life as well.